"I'm leaving tonight
Going somewhere deep inside my mind
I close my eyes slowly
Flowin' away slowly
But I know I'll be alright
It's coming stronger to me
And I know someone is out there
Lead the way
Lead the way
Show me the answers I need to know
What I'm gonna live for
What I'm gonna die for
Who you gonna fight for
I can't answer that
What I'm gonna live for
What I'm gonna die for
Who you gonna fight for
I can't answer that
All my life it is
It is all my love
All my life it is
I know it is a life to live lately
From above I hear
I hear the sound of them sinkin'
I feel numb, I'm alive
I know I'm getting closer
What I'm gonna live for
What I'm gonna die for
Who you gonna fight for
I can't answer that
What I'm gonna live for
What I'm gonna die for
Who you gonna fight for
I can't answer that
My life has had it's share of troubles
And now I found a place to go
I've said goodbye to all my troubles'
cause now I've find my place to go"
“The Quest” – Bryn Cristopher
Descobri esta música por ser a da 5ª temporada da Anatomia de Grey (uma das minhas paixões em forma de série :p) e gostei muito, por isso, e à falta de inspiração para escrever mais alguma coisa, fica aqui a letra. Se quiserem ouvir, há um site que se chama Youtube, onde podem ir ouvi-la ;)
Música que vai na minha cabeça: qual será? :p
2 comentários:
Gostei da musica... n conhecia... tens om gosto... n chega as do tony.... mas ta la perto ;) beijinhos
Eu hoje descobri a música "Let me be myself" dos Three Doors Down. É brutal!!! "Just let me be myself so I can shine with my own light" BRUTAL!!!!
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